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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The Holiday season is a time for giving. Many of us tend to take what we have for granted and forget about those less fortunate than ourselves.

So here are some tips to help you live a more giving life. What better gift can you give than a gift of giving.

1. Collect all of your clothing, coats, sweaters that you never wear and that are in good condition. Shoes, hats, we are all guilty of making purchases for clothing and such that we end up never wearing with tags still intact! Fold nicely or hang on a hanger.

2. Collect items like candle holders, table cloths, mirrors, any nice home decor that you have thrown in the closet after revamping your home style! As the saying goes "One mans junk is another mans treasure"!

3. Kitchen items like toasters, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, blankets. Anything that is still in excellent condition gather it up! You're not using it and there is definitely someone out there that needs it.

4. Canned food items, fruit baskets. While we sit down for a nice Christmas dinner with our families other families may be struggling to make that happen.

5. Now load EVERYTHING up and head to your local salvation army or other donation center and help make someone's Christmas wish come true!

If you have some things that may be of no use but still in good condition and you believe still worth giving to others, please feel free to contact me 00971 50 7528573 or email me at

As the saying goes "One man’s junk is another man’s treasure"!

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